Advertising with Zen’s Medicine offers more than audiences seeking your products or services but a network of advocates that connect, educate, and empower the General Public. Businesses seeking to advertise are subject to Zen’s Advertising Policies and in compliance with Zen’s Business Development Team. The mission of Zen’s Medicine is “Bring Transparency to Natural Medicine & Holistic Healthcare.” If you would like to sponsor or advertise with Zen’s Medicine please read the information below.
Visitors and Users of Zen’s Medicine
People use Zen’s Medicine to educate themselves and others about Natural Medicine & Holistic Healthcare, as well as promote health topics that are important to them. Zen’s Medicine does not charge membership fees or services covered by these Terms. We are paid to show members ads for products and services.
Zen’s Medicine accepts advertising on the Zen’s Network from third parties (“Advertisers”), which may include third party banners, badges, contextual advertising, and content created or provided by an Advertiser (collectively referred to as “Advertisements” or “Advertising”). In addition, as used in this policy, the terms “Advertising” and “Advertisements” include third party banners, modules, links, microsites, native advertisements, and other content provided by or on behalf of Advertisers. The Advertiser is responsible for the accuracy and objectivity of their Advertising. The following guidelines have been established by Zen’s Medicine to govern various aspects of Advertising on properties within the Zen’s Medicine Site.
Business Advertising
Institutions, non-profits, universities, and business organizations in Natural Medicine & the Holistic Healthcare Industry are subject to a disproportionate amount of censorship. For this reason, Zen’s Medicine works hard to advocate and promote transparency that educates and empowers the general public.
Businesses that make use of Zen’s Medicine advertising products and services of “Zen’s Medicine, Zen’s Med,” and affiliates and are subject to Zen’s Terms & Conditions and Zen’s Code of Ethics. These Terms govern the use of Zen’s Medicine and services, features, apps, technologies, and software we offer, except where we expressly state that separate terms (and not these) apply.
Guidelines of Business Advertising.
The guidelines in this policy govern issues like acceptance of Advertisements by Zen’s Medicine, how Advertisements are displayed on the Zen’s Medicine Site and the removal of Advertisements from the Zen’s Medicine Site. Zen’s Medicine has sole and absolute discretion with respect to interpretation and enforcement of this policy and all other issues associated with Advertising on the Zen’s Medicine Site. Zen’s Medicine may change this policy at any time in its sole discretion by posting a revised policy to the applicable Zen’s Medicine Property.
- Zen’s Medicine has sole discretion for determining the types of Advertising that will be accepted and displayed on the Zen’s Medicine Site, and under no circumstances will Zen’s Medicine’s acceptance of any Advertisement be considered an endorsement of the product(s) and/or service(s) advertised or for the company that advertises, manufactures, distributes, or promotes the products or services.
- Zen’s Medicine will not knowingly accept Advertising that, in Zen’s Medicine’s opinion, is not factually accurate and in good taste.
- Advertisers are responsible for understanding and complying with all applicable laws and regulations. Failure to comply may result in a variety of consequences, including the cancellation of ads you have placed and termination of your account.
- We do not use sensitive personal data for ad targeting. Topics you choose for targeting your ad don’t reflect the personal beliefs, characteristics or values of the people who use Zen’s Medicine.
- Once displayed, ads are public information. Ads may be re-shared and accessed outside of the targeted audience, including from the Zen’s Medicine Page running the ads or within Zen’s Medicine Services.
- If you are managing ads on behalf of other advertisers, each advertiser or client must be managed through a separate business account. You are responsible for ensuring that each advertiser complies with these Advertising Policies.
- We reserve the right to reject, approve or remove any ad for any reason, in our sole discretion, including ads that negatively affect our relationship with our users or that promote content, services, or activities, contrary to our competitive position, interests, or advertising philosophy.
- These policies are subject to change at any time without notice.
- Zen’s Medicine seeks to work with institutions, non-profits, universities, and business organizations that seek to promote the general welfare of people’s emotional health, mental health, social health, physical health, and overall wellness.
Zen’s Medicine can help your large, medium or small business grow.
If you read the information above and are interested in advertising or sponsorships, please contact Zen’s Medicine Staff and a member of our team will contact you as soon as possible.
NOTE: The contents of the Zen’s Medicine Site, such as text, graphics, images, and other materials created by Zen’s Medicine or obtained from Zen’s Medicine licensors, and other materials contained on the Zen’s Medicine Site (collectively, “Content”) are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.